
  1. 信神是自有永有的獨一真神,是聖父、聖子、靈巧而生,是萬物的創造者,是掌管的宇宙主宰。
  2. 信耶穌基督是神的兒子,道成肉身,有完全的神人兩性,由聖靈感孕,借童貞女馬利亞而生,在十字上流血捨身,替人贖罪,使人脫離罪的刑罰和權勢,三日從死裡復活、升天、現居坐在父神的右邊,作中保及大祭司,代聖徒祈求,又為教會元首,未來必能顯現,從天再臨,建立國,審判活人死人。
  3. 信聖位是聖靈運行的第三位,在五旬節降臨,要為基督,使罪人知罪悔改,得重生,並居住及在信徒心中,使信徒基督里以得成聖,又在信徒基督里聯誼本來,成為教會。
  4. 信人是遵神的形像而造,因背逆神喪命。自始犯罪世人就成為罪人,伏在神怒之下,有誠心悔改接受救恩,賴主耶穌基督寶血潔淨罪污,借聖靈重生,方能進入神國。
  5. 信新兩約聖經為所示,是神的話語,絕對真實確實可信,是生命的生命之道,是信仰和行為的最高準則。
  6. 信世人死後都必復活,信主的人復活得生,可享永福,不信的複活定罪,必落地獄受火湖永死,天堂地獄永遠的。
  7. 信惡魔是邪靈,運行在一切逆之人心中,是罪惡的根源。未來必受永刑。
  1. We believe in one true God, Creator of all things and Lord of the universe, eternally existing in three person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit .
  2. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, being true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  He died on the cross for the atonement of man’s iniquities, so that man may be delivered from the condemnation and power of sin.  Further, He arose from dead, ascended into heaven, where at the right hand of the Father He now is the Advocate and High Priest interceding for the saints.  He is also the Head of the Church, and will come visibly again from heaven to establish His kingdom and to judge the living and the dead.
  3. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who descended on the day of Pentecost to glorify Christ, convict sinners, grant new birth, and to indwell and empower the believers for victories and holy living, and to unite them into one body, the Church of Christ.
  4. We believe that man was created in the image of God but became spiritually dead because of disobedience to God.  Since Adam our fore-father sinned, all have become sinners, living under the wrath of God.  Only through sincere repentance and acceptance of Christ’s redemption, cleansing by His blood and regeneration by the Holy Spirit can one enter the Kingdom of God.
  5. We believe in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, the living Word of life, wholly truthful and trustworthy, and the final authority for all Christian faith and life.
  6. We believe that all men will be resurrected, the believers to eternal life and heavenly blessings and the unbelievers to eternal death in hell.
  7. We believe that Satan is the Devil, the source of all evils.  He is working in the hearts of disobedient men, and will one day receive eternal punishment.